terling Silver Diamond Double Knot Bangle Bracelet (1/4 cttw, J Color, I3 Clarity)

The Fantastic Female
SKU: S121
Regular Price $217.80 Sale Price $386.57 Unit price: $0.00
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Quick Overview

Material Metal Color White Diamond/Silver Brand Amazon Collection Style Classic Bangle with a Twist of Modern Age Range                     Adult   About this item Bangle bracelet featuring a figure-eight knot design with diamonds pave set in high polished sterling silver Bracelet has...

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Material Metal
Color White Diamond/Silver
Brand Amazon Collection
Style Classic Bangle with a Twist of Modern
Age Range                     Adult


About this item

  • Bangle bracelet featuring a figure-eight knot design with diamonds pave set in high polished sterling silver
  • Bracelet has a 1/4 carat total diamond weight; Diamonds are I-J Color with 12-13 Clarity; All our diamond suppliers confirm that they comply with the Kimberley Process to ensure that their diamonds are conflict free
  • Perfect jewelry gift to expand a woman's fashion wardrobe with a classic, timeless style
  • Secure single-latch hinged bangle closure
  • Hand-crafted in pure .925 Sterling Silver; Rhodium plating added to enhance shine and durability
  • Imported
  • These silver pieces are built for longevity. This piece features a metal plating or flashing, or an electrocoating for a more lustrous appearance, but it can wear off with long-term or heavy use. To ensure the longevity of your plated items store your jewelry in a dark, cool, dry place such as a pouch or air tight box and avoid rubbing plated items together. Also try to avoid exposure to cleaning products and perfume which can both negatively affect your items. Your local jeweler can advise you where to send your jewelry if you would ever like them replated.

Bangle bracelet featuring a figure-eight knot design with diamonds pave set in high polished sterling silver

This double infinity loop bangle bracelet is crafted in polished sterling silver and embellished with 1/4 carat of genuine diamond accents. It has a hinged design with a box clasp and safety latch for an easy on and off. The figure-eight shaped knots symbolize the eternal bonds of love and friendship, making this bracelet an especially meaningful gift choice.

This double infinity loop bangle bracelet is crafted in polished sterling silver and embellished with 1/4 carat of genuine diamond accents. It has a hinged design with a box clasp and safety latch for an easy on and off. The figure-eight shaped knots symbolize the eternal bonds of love and friendship, making this bracelet an especially meaningful gift choice.

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