Avalon Organics Hand & Body Lotion, Nourishing Lavender, 32 Oz

The Fantastic Female
SKU: S305
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Deep Rooted Beauty

Curated from nature’s pure resources, Avalon Organics NSF organic certified skin care, hair care and bath & body products are deep-rooted in a profound respect for the earth. Combining modern science with the botanical world, we constantly strive to perfect each formula, evolve expertise and deliver innovation. Searching out the beautifying benefits hidden within each plant, Avalon Organics thoughtfully develops formulas to not only nourish the body, but also nourish the mind and the soul.

Driven by a dedication to organic agriculture and formula transparency, all Avalon Organics products are certified to the NSF/ANSI 305 Standard for Personal Care Products Containing Organic Ingredients*. Through this honest, transparent process, the Avalon Organics brand creates products that are safe, effective and conscious of the greater good.

*Claim approval was given on April 11, 2011 from QAI with certificate ID C01655324-NSF3HNPC-5.

Humbled by a profound respect for all living beings, Avalon Organics products are vegan and cruelty-free.* The Avalon Organics brand never tests products on animals, and will only source ingredients that the supplier can document are not tested on animals. This commitment to kindness is represented by the leaping bunny logo that appears on product labels.

Deeply nourish and moisturize extra dry skin with Avalon Organics Nourishing Lavender Hand & Body Lotion. Made with organic botanicals and essential oils, this plant-based formula replenishes and rebalances skin for long lasting hydration. Lavender essential oil, aloe, plant lipids and nutrient-rich beta-glucan work together to restore the skin's lipid balance, leaving it feeling soft and supple. This certified organic lotion is made with non-GMO ingredients and no parabens, harsh preservatives, synthetic colors or fragrances, phthalates or sulfates. It is also vegan and not tested on animals. Includes one 32 oz. bottle of Avalon Organics Nourishing Lavender Hand & Body Lotion. Curated from nature’s pure resources, Avalon Organics NSF organic certified skin care, hair care and bath & body products are deep-rooted in a profound respect for the earth. Combining modern science with the botanical world, we constantly strive to perfect each formula, evolve expertise and deliver innovation. Searching out the beautifying benefits hidden within each plant, Avalon Organics thoughtfully develops formulas to not only nourish the body, but also nourish the mind and the soul.

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